Sensory integration (sensory processing) can be a challenge for individuals with developmental disorders such as Autism, Down Syndrome or ADHD, the brain may over or under react to sensory stimuli. A sensory room is a specially designed room for therapy with children who have limited communication skills. Often featuring special lights, music, sensory objects and certain aromas, the room is designed to engage and develop senses in a risk-free environment. The room uses certain activities and equipment to give the body specific sensory input and can be tailored to specific sensory needs. The room is said to have psychological benefits including improved: attention, confidence, frustration, moodiness, socialization, emotional outbursts, restlessness and procrastination, as well as physical benefits including improved: motor planning, sleep cycles, hand-eye coordination, language, posture and gravitational security. Sensory rooms are becoming more popular and common in both homes and schools due to their convenience and versatility, being able to take up an entire free room or just an unused corner.